I know, I know 

It’s been a little while once again but I did promise you another card.
Just returned home from a little holiday with my BFF Jackie and her beautiful family. We had such a relaxing and fun time as always and I find myself energised and ready to go again. I can’t believe this was my first trip there that we DIDN’T go in the ‘craft room’!! Can you believe it? No crafting what so ever this trip but we did visit the local craft store 

I made this one for one of my daughter’s friends. Her favourite colour is blue which I didn’t know at the time so it worked in well.
This is another adorable image created by Krista at Saturated Canary. This one is “Sabrina”.
(it looks lopsided but it was the way I took the pic. Promise ;) )
Well I better start my clean up and my BIG pile of washing after being away.
We’re also trying to rescue 2 male kittens this weekend and we’re off to meet them to see if they’d like to live with us. They are just too cute, Toby and Ollie. Will post pics if we’re successful.
Thanks for stopping by my little neglected blog.
Keep creating, Kylie xo